I have a pain right below my knees

I have a sharp, sore pain on my right.
I have a pain on the outside of my right. Question - I have pain and tenderness right below my knee cap in the front,. Find the answer to this and other Health questions on JustAnswer.
27.03.2013 · It's been cold and snowy where I live, so the sprinters for track have had to run in the hallways which are hard floors and the track is covered with snow.

05.12.2009 · Best Answer: This stretch has helped me when I've had SHIN SPLINTS. If that's what you have, it's really simple and easy once you realize what's happening
I have a pain in the calf muscle right. I have a pain on the outside of my right.
I have pain and tenderness right below my.
I have a pain right below my knees
I have a pain in the calf muscle right.17.02.2008 · i am joining the navy. and i have to pass a physical this week and my knee has been hurting the past week and continues to hurt. it is hard for me to run
I have a sharp stinging, burning pain.
I have pain right below my knee cap but.03.03.2008 · Best Answer: Tendinitis? Clicking could indicate that you cartilage damage!! r.a.(artrita)
07.12.2010 · Best Answer: There are numerous causes of knee pain. It is one of the most common complaints at practically all ages. Check here to see if you can identify
13.03.2013 · Best Answer: If it's on the upper portion of your knee and rides into your top part of your calf you might have pain in the Popliteus muscle. The Popliteus
16.10.2009 · knee doesn't hurt to walk on but when I sit down and my knee is at a right angle I have immense pain, also when I'm in bed too. Its a pain that is deep below
Pain in my knee, just below knee cap?.
I have a pain right below my knees
I have pain right below my knee cap but.